The #1 Most Common Food You Should NEVER Cut From Your Diet!

Ever since the 1970’s when folks like Jim Fix with his jogging book and of course fitness icon Richard Simmons began to get the world onto the fitness bandwagon, a lot of information has come through our TV’s about how to lose weight and get healthy.

Unfortunately, much of it is inaccurate, misunderstood or even dangerous over time. The weight loss industry generates something over $70 billion in the U.S. alone… it’s big business and these companies and personalities know how to tap into our psyches and tickle those nerves that make us want to try their pills, foods, workouts and vibrating belts that melt the fat while you veg out in front of the tube.

Food has always been one of these areas that’s capitalized on the last 40+ years of America’s and other nations’ weight loss craze. First, it was reduced fat and fat-free! Sounds great, right? Yeah, except that when they take the fat out of your favorite cookies, they simply replace it with more sugar… hmm, doesn’t sound so great, does it?

In the early 2000’s, if you recall, carbs became fitness public enemy #1. All of a sudden, people who a year before barely even knew what carbohydrates were began to go on no carb diets. Then it was gluten. Again, before 2010 or so, most folks never even heard of this thing… and now, it seems like every food has a gluten-free substitute and half of all living humans are allergic to it.

Weird, right?

But you know what one of the most attacked food items has always been, even before the 70’s – salt!

Yes, good old sodium chloride is the arbiter of all that’s evil in the world. Salt raises your cholesterol… oh, no that’s actually not true… salt is a key ingredient in weight gain… oh, that’s false too…

The truth is, in fact, that salt is absolutely vital to your body’s health. It’s needed in the biochemistry of your cells. Yet even more obvious is that when you cut salt out of your diet, you actually inhibit your body’s ability to digest food! And of course, that means putting on more weight and also limiting the number of nutrients you can absorb.

Salt helps your body balance and optimize the PH level in your stomach. In other words, it helps to make sure that your stomach acid is strong enough to break down the food you eat so that the nutrients in it can more effectively be absorbed as it passes through your digestive tract.

Salt is actually one incredibly important element in any good weight loss program. Like many people, I thought differently until running into a Korean medical student in Afghanistan who opened my eyes to a whole new – yet ironically ancient – way of looking at health, fitness, and weight loss. He showed me the science behind what eastern cultures have known for millennia.

If you’re looking to lose weight, or you’ve ever been frustrated by your lack of progress… some of the latest science may shock you as to why. There are myths about weight loss that we’ve been fed for far too long and yet the scientifically proven and tested truth has simply been lying in the grass waiting to be uncovered.

To learn more about what does and does not work about weight loss and how you can truly drop unsightly pounds rapidly and permanently, click this link and check out a video I’ve put together.

Learn how my nearly being killed in the Middle East led me to discover the amazing truth that you deserve to know – click here right now!

Interview with Kyle Cooper!


Fitness and nutrition expert, coach and former Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Kyle Cooper, creator of the renowned Fat Decimator weight loss system has graciously agreed to an exclusive interview.  Kyle has already positively changed the lives of tens of thousands and continues with his life’s mission to help everyone conquer weight gain and recapture their youth, vitality and robust health.

Q: Kyle, what’s your experience with fitness and weight loss?

“Well, after high school I enlisted in the Marine Corps.  This wasn’t too long after 9-11 and I felt a strong desire to serve my country and, okay, get some payback for the people that had attacked us.

Well, I’d played football in school, so the rigorous physical fitness and training of the Corps appealed to me.  After serving and fighting in the Middle East, I moved to the special Force Recon division and earned the rank of Gunnery Sergeant.  I not only was in charge of a unit but responsible for training my men and keeping them fit.

I really loved that part – and learned everything I could about working out and nutrition.  It wouldn’t be until a few years ago, though, that I’d learn that much of what I thought was solid information was actually useless and even harmful.”

Q: What do you mean by some of that info was harmful?

“It kind of leads into how I came up with Fat Decimator in the first place.  While In Afghanistan a couple of years back, there was an incident where a National Guardsman attached to my unit was killed in a cave in the Khyber Pass while we were supposed to be going after Bin Laden.  It was because he was out of shape despite everything I had been doing.

It wasn’t until a couple of days later when a Korean medical student came to visit me that my eyes were opened and much of the false beliefs we westerners adhere too were revealed to be ineffective at losing weight and in some cases, even harmful to your health.”

Q: So what is The Fat Decimator anyway?

“It’s a weight loss and health plan that’s based on ancient knowledge from Asia that’s been independently studied and verified by a lot of clinical studies.  Doctor Sam Pak, my Korean friend, introduced me to some of his research while we shared a bottle of Jack one night shortly after my man was killed.  I kind of blame myself, you know… but Sam showed me some very hard data that really opened my eyes and revealed a whole new way of thinking about losing weight.

Together, we organized his notes and fleshed it out into a program that involves food, exercise and the body’s natural biology to bring about astonishing weight loss as well as restoring the body’s ability to heal and revitalize itself.  We tested it on my marines and on others on base and the results were amazing.”

Q: So how did your testing overseas turn into your life’s work?

“It’s an interesting story, and kind of involved, so I’ll try to give you the highlights.  You can always learn more by watching the Fat Decimator video, but here’s kind of the short version.

When I was rotated back to the States not long after I met Sam, I started a small fitness boot camp in St. Louis, where I’m from.  It was going well, people slowly started trickling in and those who followed the program were doing well.  But for me, the switch hadn’t quite been thrown yet…

Then I met Sharon Monroe.  She’s a mom in her forties who at the time was 40+ pounds overweight and had just found out that her heart wasn’t doing so well.  In fact, her doctor said she should start planning for the worst.  Well, Sharon and I met, and I believe to this day that God put us in each other’s path.

I was there to show Sharon how to change her life, and she was there to show me in no uncertain terms that what Sam and I had created was to be my life’s mission.  To help people like Sharon and anyone else to lose weight and come out with a stronger, healthier body.  To know exactly what to do and what not to do – that’s important.

As you know, there’s a lot of BS out there when it comes to weight loss.”

Q: So who is Fat Decimator for?

“Honestly… it’s for everyone.  Tens of thousands of people all over the world have used it and I’m constantly bombarded with emails from folks raving about how it’s changed their lives.  And not just how they lost weight and look better… I get stories about wives who say it’s saved their marriages, husbands who say the same.  I hear from men and women who say my program literally pulled them back from the brink of death.  Even kids who were on the fast track to obesity turned their lives around.  It’s really humbling.

I mean, whether you want to drop 10 pounds for the wedding or need to lose a hundred pounds or else… Fat decimator shows you exactly what to do in a simple step by step process.  In a matter of weeks, I’ve seen people drop 20, 30 and well over 40 pounds… and what’s better, once you know what to do, there really is no limit and you can maintain a healthy and youthful body pretty much forever.”

Q: Why does your program work so well?

“Well, aside from the information that explains what to eat, what not to eat and what herbs are healthy and how to exercise properly with a minimal investment in time with a maximum return in results… and how to put your mind right, too… Fat Decimator does something else that’s really important.

It clarifies the myths and facts about nutrition, exercise, weight loss, carbs and all of the junk we’re fed in our country.  In the U.S., Canada, the UK, and Australia alone, the fitness industry is gargantuan.  Tens of billions… hell, hundreds of billions of dollars are made each year by convincing people to buy some magic pill or crazy diet or new and improved machine…

But think about it – if all this crap worked so well, there wouldn’t be a fitness industry, would there?  Look at medicine, too.  If big pharma and the medical industry was so effective, they’d have no more customers, right?

To me, that’s the biggest benefit of Fat Decimator.  It lays out the truth in a simple step by step plan and it’s all backed by real-world science.”

Q: Are there secrets in your program?

“Hmm… I guess you could say that.  Only because over here in the land of the quick fix and the ready pill, we’re not privy to what ancient cultures like the Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Indians and Koreans have known for thousands of years.

These people have lived healthier and longer lives by following seemingly simple rules.  Only now in the 21stcentury are scientists beginning to study these ancient bits of wisdom and verifying how truly powerful they are.  Thanks to Sam Pak, a great blend of old world knowledge and new world science, we’re all the better for having access to these ‘secrets.’

If I could point to any one secret about The Fat Decimator… it’s that it’s not only tremendously effective and affordable… it’s simple and doesn’t require crazy diets or starving yourself or killing yourself on the treadmill.”




The Hidden Truth About Cardio

How your daily gut-busting routine may actually be preventing weight loss and pushing you closer to death In western cultures like ours, countries like the U.S., UK, Australia, Canada and other European nations, what’s the first thing that anybody thinks of or tells you whenever the idea of weight loss is brought up? You’ve got to hit the treadmill, exercise bike or the streets and burn those calories!

On the surface of it, this makes sense, right? After all, you’re doing a lot of work and you’re sweating and breathing heavy. Surely running a few miles every day must be dissolving those unsightly LB’s like crazy, right?

Would you be surprised to hear that this is actually wrong?

No, I’m not crazy – let me lay it out for you…

Yes, cardio does burn calories, it’s true. And yes, some cardio is good for you. Light cardio promotes a healthy heart and increases your endurance. On the other hand, though… heavy cardio actually begins to have the opposite effects.

Before I get into why let me give you a simple but common sense example. Imagine pre-historic Man. These men and women are running around the Paleolithic world chasing down antelope, red deer, aurox, bison and the occasional wooly mammoth. Most of their diet comes from animal protein and what edible plants they can scrounge.

Well, if cardio was so great for losing weight, these people would simply starve to death while running down their food. All that cardio would burn through their energy reserves faster than they could replace them. Yet they didn’t starve to death… why?


For one thing, a lot of heavy cardio is hard on your knees and feet. Second, it’s also hard on the heart. Too much cardio actually begins to add scar tissue to your heart and increases your rate of heart attack. We didn’t realize that for a while until many scientific studies were done on the subject.

As for losing weight, excessive cardio actually has the reverse effect and here’s why. Our bodies are genetically designed to survive. Our body’s job is to store energy as fuel both for its immediate use and in the form of fat for those times when food is scarce. In modern times, of course, food isn’t really scarce, so this built-in safety feature is rarely needed.

However, when you deprive your body of the nutrients it requires, either by starving yourself on some crazy diet or by over-taxing your body with lots of cardio, it begins to switch into survival mode. Additionally, and unfortunately, with heavy cardio, your body also becomes anabolic.

This means that it begins to burn the most effective source of energy first – and that’s not fat… it’s your muscle. Take a good look at some of these chronic long distance runners who compete. Many of them are kind of stringy looking and have to pack in the carbs just to maintain their muscle mass.

You want your body to burn fat, not muscle, obviously. It’s not really about calories, as many diets and so-called fitness gurus try to make you believe. Calories are only a means of measuring food energy. Yes, if you want to lose weight, you must take in fewer calories than you consume, yet there’s so much more to it than that.

The biggest secret to weight loss isn’t running 10 miles every day, starving yourself or even avoiding some of your favorite carbs, believe it or not. In fact, if you’re going to lose weight properly, it’s actually important that you do eat some of your favorite foods!

I know that sounds crazy, too – but it’s absolutely true, and I can prove it to you! If you know how to use your body’s natural processes to your advantage, it’s entirely possible to lose 10, 20 or even 30+ pounds in a single month without starvation diets, gut-wrenching cardio, ridiculous workouts and eating anything gross! It’s true and I can show you the science to prove it!

Want to know more about dropping some stubborn LB’s right away? Then click this link and I’ll show you a video that’ll explain how and show you the science backed by independent clinical studies to prove it.

Click Here to Learn How!